Industry-specific know-how in the field of energy efficiency and safety and security, global experience and understanding of our customers' business needs and processes are why people all over the world rely on Gate 8 Energy Solutions.
With the infographics below we offer you a visual representation of some of our key topic at glance.
Data centers are critical facilities for the vast majority of businesses. From managing complexity to improving energy efficiency, from meeting security to business regulatory requirements, data centers face many challenges.
Energy demands are growing worldwide and buildings account for 41% of the world's energy use today. Future power supply needs smart grids and smart buildings. Learn more how to help build a sustainable future.
How do you improve your company's competitive edge? With buildings that are so energy-efficient that more funds and resources remain for your core business. Learn more about this path to success.
Building requirements are demanding more and more. Resource scarcity, growing operating costs, legal risks, the networking of individual buildings into building complexes: All these factors pose tremendous challenges - find the right answer with Desigo CC.
The tallest green building in the world is Taipei 101, in Taiwan. Here, Gate 8 Energy Solutions' building solutions have helped to reduce CO2 emissions by 3,000 tons annually, while achieving enormous cost savings. Learn more how Gate 8 Energy Solutions contributes to sustainable and efficient buildings.
Security is one of the most important enablers for the way we live and do business in a globalized world. Perfecting protection through advanced security management and services means safeguarding the basis of sustained competitiveness and business continuity of our customers.